Saturday 28 May 2011


It has been an amazing week at Saltfleetby Nature Reserve. I have been overwhelmed by the enthusiasm and cheeryness of the workshop participants, (local primary schools) teachers and colleagues alike ;  rain or shine.  I am, however, very close to being speechless with exhaustion, but those who have ever worked with Michael will understand that after one very full on week - being able to fit in a word in edgeways is an opportunity not to be missed!!
My role in the general scheme of things was to devise a workshop/activity that would link the wonder and beauty of the reserve with the delight and amazement they would experience once arriving at /entering into Michael's camera obscura housed in the pillbox.  The notion of surveying and photographing seemed entirely appropriate; so, in surveillance teams (of 3) we headed off through meadows, marshes and dunes; each team equipped with binoculars, cameras, clipboards and magnifying glasses; working as wildlife photographers, researchers, detectives, artists and scientists.We zoomed in, panned out, took notes, drew, photographed, measured and gathered ..... and generally had a fine time. As you would expect, to some, those dunes just were screaming out for running and rolling, for others the day was a blissfully quiet experience, retreating to calmer settings -  under trees, bug watching, drawing, and doing some 'ground nesting' of our own.
If I was to go back to those Breath of Fresh Air themes of enjoying our environment, being healthy and experiencing these amazing places in new and exciting ways I think we were pretty much bang on the button. So, well done team and thank you ...... and when can we come again?

photo by yr 5 Theddlethorpe Wildlife Photographer

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