For those who are curious to know what the Walk of Art at Borough Hill involved ....... you might need to remain curious for a little longer. We created 'walking waves' which have proved to be tricky to photograph, but hey, they are now packaged and will become part of the art cargo so all will be revealed and unrolled on board.
'Light Calling ' was a remarkable evening; despite adverse weather conditions (I appreciate that the lasers looked especially wonderful in the rain but those of us walking would have preferred not to have started the evening with a downpour!!)
David Adams took a group of 20 or so of us across the hill and spoke with infectious enthusiasm about the history of the hill. Jo's work links beautifully with all that came before - and of course with Kathy's Loughborough piece - the reference to communication and the military being especially meaningful. The walk of art which followed was ....well .... a less scientific interpretation of wave forms and the military (manoeuvres) but somehow it followed on from Davids talk with ease, I put this down to Rick's intro, his radio experience was aptly put to good use.
We set off with mini scrolls and drew 'walking waves' - a continuos line responding to the uneven terrain and rhythm of our walk. We then took our positions and waited until nightfall. All wearing head lamps we approached the Jo's artwork from across the field - in a row - hopefully this 'walking wave' of lights will be on film and uploaded for you to see very soon.
We thoroughly enjoyed the evening, we almost forgot how wet we were.
Well done Jo (and team).Thanks again.
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